
Breaking the Screen Time Cycle: Protecting Children Health and Development

Mashal Afzal:2/9/2023

Screens are now commonplace in daily life, especially for young people, thanks to the digital age. The typical child now spends several hours per day in front of a screen, whether for TV, video games, or a tablet or smartphone. Even though access to information and educational opportunities are two advantages of screen time, too much can harm kids’ development and health. This excessive use is leading to repercussion on children’s health through different ways;

Effect on Physical Health

Overuse of screens can result in physical health issues like bad posture and a higher risk of obesity. Children who spend a lot of time in front of screens may develop bad posture, which can cause eye, neck, and back pain. Children who spend a lot of time in front of screens are also less likely to exercise, which can result in weight gain and a higher risk of obesity.

Effect on Mental Health

The mental health of kids may be impacted by screen time. According to studies, children who spend a lot of time on screens have higher levels of anxiety and depression as well as diminished empathy and emotional intelligence. Screen time can also limit children’s face-to-face social interaction, which is crucial for the growth of their social and emotional abilities.

Effect on Cognitive Development

The development of children’s minds can be impacted by screen time. According to research, spending too much time on screens can impair one’s ability to pay attention, remember things, and process and comprehend visual data. Additionally, children may find concentrating and remembering information challenging when using screens, especially when learning new skills.

Suggestions for Parents

Parents must restrict screen time and promote alternative activities given the potential harm that screen time may cause to children’s health and development. Children should not spend more than an hour a day using screens if they are under the age of two, and older children should not spend more than two hours a day using screens if they are over the age of six, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

To counteract the sedentary effects of screen time, parents can limit screen time and encourage physical activity such as outdoor play, sports, or other forms of exercise. By setting up playdates or family activities, they can also promote effective communication and encourage face-to-face social interaction.

In conclusion, even though screens have ingrained themselves into childhood, too much exposure to screens can be detrimental to kids’ development and health. Limiting screen time and encouraging substitute activities that support children’s physical, mental, and cognitive well-being are both important roles that parents can play. Parents can ensure that their kids grow up healthy, active, and well-rounded by following this advice.

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