
Best Ways to Release Happiness Hormones Naturally

Eeman Sarfraz:9/12/2024

A human being coordinates with the powerhouses they are blessed with—the heart and the brain. On one hand, the brain serves logical thinking, while on the other hand, the heart draws us—humans—toward emotional, sometimes illogical and hasty decisions. However, many believe that people who follow their heart tend to be more satisfied and content, with fewer regrets, compared to those who suppress their emotions and rely solely on logical thinking and usually lack happiness.

When someone experiences a reaction, the heart initially forms these reactions. Meanwhile, regulating the intensity or controlling actions is all decided in the brain. Therefore, we can conclude that emotions arise from a complex interplay between the mind and the heart.

Our brain works as a power hub where chemical reactions take place which results in the release of hormones that impacts our moods and results in causing happiness or sadness.

The four happy hormones as below

1. Dopamine : a.k.a The Reward Chemical.

2. Endorphin: a.k.a The Pain Killer

3. Oxytocin: a.k.a The Love Hormone.

4.Serotonin: a.k.a The mood Stabilizer

Some of ways that helps in how to be happy are discussed as below

The Happiness Hypothesis

1. Physical Exercise:

        Exercise is considered to be among the best ways to boost happiness levels. For instance, activities such as swimming, dancing, jogging, or even fast walking can play a role in helping you feel great because they help enhance endorphin levels. Additionally, going to a gym and exercising regularly also ramps up serotonin, which in turn helps you feel better and deal with stress and depression.

2.  Healthy Diet:

        Healthy diet also impacts how hormones function. Consuming foods rich in tryptophan, such as turkey, nuts, seeds, and eggs, can boost your serotonin levels. Similarly, consuming dark chocolate can also stimulates endorphin and dopamine. Also Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish like salmon and walnuts also serve to increase dopamine and serotonin levels

3. Quality Sleep:

        Getting good quality sleep is crucial for the brain to work actively. Serotonin production closely associates with sleep patterns; poor sleep can reduce serotonin levels, potentially causing mood problems. So, it is essential to avoid 7-9 hours deeps sleep to avail balanced hormone levels.

4. Meditation and Mindfulness:

Practicing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises and mindfulness can serve to reduce stress hormone-cortisol, while boosting serotonin and dopamine levels. With the help of these  techniques, one can lessen stress leading to improved mental health and concentration.

5. Social Connection:

Socializing with friends, family and loved ones serve in release of the hormone called oxytocin, “the love hormone.” Acts of kindness, hugs, or even initiating conversations can elevate oxytocin levels, leading to happiness and a sense of connection.

6. Exposure to Sunlight:

Exposure to sunlight serves to the increase in serotonin levels. Doing outdoor activities, especially in the morning, helps regulate the circadian rhythm and as a result, improves moods. 15-30 minutes of sunlight exposure is very important to boost serotonin levels in the body.

7. Laughter and Joyful Activities:

Laughter is considered to be a fast way to release endorphins. Activities such as watching a comedy show, spending quality time with friends or enjoying activities such as games or singing can help in the art of happiness hormone release to a great deal.

8. Listening to Music:

Music leaves a very powerful impact on emotions and is capable to trigger dopamine release to a great extent. Upbeat, cheerful music can help to elevate mood and stimulate the brain’s reward checks, leading to a feel good attitude.

9. Aromatherapy:

Lavender, rosemary, and other essential oils are believed to reduce stress and anxiety, while enhancing serotonin and dopamine levels. Utilizing these oils with the help of a diffuser or applying them topically can have a calming effect answering your question of how to make myself happy.

10. Acts of Kindness and Gratitude:

During active roles in helping others, whether through volunteer activities or simply practicing gratitude, one can boost oxytocin and serotonin levels. These deeds leave a sense of accomplishment and joy, reinforcing happiness and satisfaction.


Incorporating the above-mentioned practices into our lives can naturally enhance happiness hormones, thereby leading to a significantly more balanced and satisfying life.

It is said: “Small investments can lead to substantial returns”

So it is essential to develop above mentioned habits for lasting happiness and satisfaction.

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