
Cinnamon tea – Top 5 ways to consume and stay healthy

Sana Zia:9/22/2024

Cinnamon, a vastly used spice commonly used in making cinnamon tea is obtained from the inner bark of trees from the inner bark of trees from the genus Cinnamomum. It is mostly used for flavoring purposes in both sweet and savory dishes. It is also utilized to achieve health purposes. The most commonly used types of cinnamon include

Types of Cinnamon

1. Ceylon Cinnamon (also known as “True” Cinnamon)

It is characterized by its lighter hue and more subtle flavor. It is considered as superior in quantity.

2. Cassia Cinnamon:

It is darker and possesses a stronger and spicier taste.

Benefits of Cinnamon:

1. Antioxidant Properties:

Cinnamon is considered high as an antioxidant agent. So it serves to protect the body from oxidative stress and harmful impacts by free radicals.

2. Anti-inflammatory Effects:

 It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties that is beneficial to reduce swelling and inflammation in the body, making it especially beneficial for people suffering from arthritis.

3. Blood Sugar Control:

Cinnamon is also popular for its ability to help reduce blood sugar levels and enhance insulin sensitivity. This can especially be helpful for diabetic people or for those who look to avoid blood sugar spikes.

4. Heart Health:

Cinnamon also serves to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides while sustaining good cholesterol (HDL) levels, thus contributing to heart health.

5. Anti-microbial Properties:

Cinnamon possesses natural antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, which in turn help guard against infections.

6. Digestive Aid:

It helps in digestion by enhancing gastric juices and improving bowel movement. It also serves to reduce bloating and gas.

Flavor Profile in Tea

People sometimes use cinnamon powder when making tea, as it adds a blend of warm, sweet, and slightly spicy flavors with a woody undertone fragrance. Additionally, it enhances the tea’s taste by adding depth and warmth. The flavor can range from sweet to strong and spicy, depending on the type and quantity of cinnamon used.

Benefits of Consuming Cinnamon tea in Different Weather:

In Cold Weather:

Cinnamon has a warming impact. So, consumption of it helps more in cold weather. It gives heat to the body and fights against cold and flu, thus boosting the immune system of the body.

In Hot Weather:

In moderate weather, using cinnamon can be refreshing, which can further help in digestion and stopping any sort of stomach discomfort due to its cooling effect on internal organs.

Cinnamon’s Role in Weight Loss

1. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels:

By balancing blood sugar levels, cinnamon helps stop cravings and abrupt hunger spikes, which can be beneficial for weight management.

2. Boost Metabolism:

The warmth-generating properties of cinnamon can play a vital role in speeding up metabolism, leading to the body burning fat more effectively.

3. Suppresses Appetite:

Cinnamon can play an effective role in curbing appetite by creating a feeling of fullness for a longer period, which in turn results in reduced calorie intake.

How to Make Cinnamon Tea

People use cinnamon in their own way depending on how intense taste they require of cinnamon in their tea

1. Cinnamon Stick:

By adding a cinnamon stick to boiling water or tea while it is brewing, you can easily customize the flavor. Afterward, you decide how long to keep the stick in the tea—the stronger you want the tea, the longer you should leave the cinnamon in the mixture.

2. Ground Cinnamon:

It is mostly used to sprinkle on the drink just for adding fragrance along every sip of the tea.

3. Cinnamon Tea bags:

Some brands sell such tea bags with added cinnamon. Making tea with teabags can also provide a cinnamon tea taste.

Best time to Consume Cinnamon Tea


Consuming cinnamon tea in the morning can be beneficial as it can help quickly start the metabolism thus helping in weight loss.

Before Meals:

Using cinnamon tea before meals can help control blood sugar levels and also reduce appetite.

Before Bed:

 Consuming cinnamon tea before bed can serve to digest fast thus promoting better sleep due to its relaxing qualities.

By adding cinnamon to the diet, one can enjoy numerous benefits of it. However, keep in mind that excessive or frequent use of anything can cause your body to strongly resist.

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