
Niacinamide Serum

Eeman Sarfraz:9/19/2024

In olden times people used to consume, healthy diets along with healthy and active life style too. Population was very much manageable. In those times, resources were better in comparison with the population.

The Penalty of a Hyper-Fast Lifestyle

But with the advancement in times, life style on one hand got not only hyper fast and also due to the increase in population resources started to diminish and even the standard of the resources deteriorated as well. This altogether left a very negative impact on lifestyle of people. Nowadays, to make ends meet, everyone is required to put in extra effort, leading to a fast-paced lifestyle. As a result, people often end up neglecting their own well-being in various ways.

The Growing Requirement for Supplements in Modern Lifestyle

Due to the deterioration in resources food quality has deteriorated as well. And lack of activity has led human life span to come down to an evidently lower level.

This is why experts now advise taking food supplements along with regular meals to meet the body’s needs. Additionally, the rising demand for supplements has flooded the market with a wide range of products, offering benefits not only for the skin, hair, and bones but also for brain health.

Choosing through Skincare Product Surge

In olden times ladies used to create different masks within their homes to refresh or rejuvenate their skin but now due to the fast pace of life, people do not have much time to prepare home remedies for themselves. And it is just this reason that market is now over stuffed with different types of products to attract all types of audience from all classes of society who are looking for items to meet their needs. Market is so stuffed with different products that sometimes it gets very hard to choose between what is needed and what one is attracted to.

Now a days we  come across nonstop promotions of different types of skin serums such as Hyaluronic serum, Salicyclic acid, Alpha Arbutin acid, Kojic acid, Lactic acid, Retinol, Niacinamide serum.

Benefits of Niacinamide

Today I will talk about various aspects of Niacinamide. People also know it as Nicotinamide. It is a form of Vitamin B3. You can consume it through various foods, such as fish, meat, milk, eggs, green vegetables, and cereals. It plays an essential role in the smooth utilization of fats and sugars in the body and to maintain healthy cells.

Usage in Skincare products

People use niacinamide to meet the decreased level of B3 in the body. It is a water soluble vitamin that plays a very vital role in maintaining healthy youthful skin. It helps in the treatment of acne, ageing skin and also skin discoloration.

Now a days this vitamin is highly in demand. Many skin-related products, like cleansers, eye creams, facial moisturizers, and sunscreens, use it along with niacinamide serums.

But everything has both positivity and negativities. Similarly niacinamide also holds both advantages and disadvantages that are discussed as below

  1. It helps in calming the skin.
  2. It helps in increase of hydration of skin’s upper most layer. So, it can help in promoting hydrated, smooth and even toned skin.

While the topical use of this serum holds side effects which includes mild burning, itching and redness.

If one can avoid excessive use of this serum then it is highly beneficial from reviving the skin from dull skin to refresh and glowy one.

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